Англоязычные издания
- Born in Tibet. Chogyam Trungpa
- Cave in the Snow. A western womans quest for enlightenment. Vicki MacKenzie
This is the incredible story of Tenzin Palmo, a remarkable woman who spent 12 years alone in a cave 13,000 feet up in the Himalayas. At the age of 20, Diane Perry, looking to fill a void in her life, entered a monastery in Indiathe only woman amongst hundreds of monks-and began her battle against the prejudice that had excluded women from enlightenment for thousands of years.
- Contributions to the Cultural History of Early Tibet. M.T. Kapstein, Brandon Dotson
The study of the rise and institutions of the Tibetan empire of the seventh to ninth centuries, and of the continuing development of Tibetan civilization during the obscure period that followed, have aroused growing interest among scholars of Inner Asia in recent decades.
- I-Tsing. A Record of the Buddhist Religion. I-Tsing (И Цзин)
И Цзин (635-713 гг.) китайский путешественник и проповедник буддизма. В 671 г. посетил ряд индийских государств. Десять лет прожил в буддийском монастыре Наланда. И Цзин собрал и запечатлел уникальные сведения о монастырской жизни раннесредневековой Индии, он записал большое количество сообщений о быте, укладе, легендах, и научной жизни знаменитых буддийских центров Индии.
- Overview of Buddhist Tantra. Sonam Dragpa Panchen
Detailed explanations within this book include: the historical emergence of Buddhism in our world as interpreted by various Buddhist traditions; the different tenets of the sects, and the differences between the vehicles (yanas); the doors to the path to liberation; and the classes of Tantric practice leading to that state of liberation.
- The Catalog of the Treasury of Precious Instructions. Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye
This book is a collection of the essential root texts, instructions, and manuals of all the eight practice lineages of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. This is the First translation entire collection into English, making the catalog of The Treasury of Precious Instructions available in English.
- The Cult of Tara: Magic and Ritual in Tibet. Stephan Beyer
This is book is a richly detailed exposition of the major rituals and supporting belief systems of Tibetan Buddhist monastic communities. Beyer uses as his case study the wide-spread devotion to Tara (the Sanskrit form; in Tibetan, Dolma), the (paradoxically) female Bodhisattva who is regarded as one of the special patrons of Tibet. Basic and advanced forms of ritual and meditation are described, and there are attractive line drawings of many of the implements (as well as some not-so-clear, but interesting, black-and-white photographs).
- The Religions of Tibet. Giuseppe Tucci
Английский перевод классика мировой тибетологии итальянского профессора Джузеппе Туччи о религиях (во множественном числе) Тибета.
- The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Evans-Wentz Walter
The Tibetan Book of the Dead is one of the texts that, according to legend, Padma-Sambhava was compelled to hide during his visit to Tibet in the late 8th century. The guru hid his books in stones, lakes, and pillars because the Tibetans of that day and age were somehow unprepared for their teachings.
- Tibetan ritual. José Ignacio Cabezón
This is the first scholarly collection to focus on this important subject. Unique in its historical, geographical and disciplinary breadth, this book brings together eleven essays by an international cast of scholars working on ritual texts, institutions and practices in the greater Tibetan cultural world - Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, and Mongolia.
- Unbounded Wholeness: Bon Dzogchen and the Logic of the Nonconceptual. T. Wangyal Rinpoche, A. C. Klein
This book provides a study and translation of the Authenticity of Open Awareness, a foundational text of the Bon Dzogchen tradition. This is the first time a Bon philosophical text of this scope has been translated into any Western language, and as such, it is an addition to the study of Tibetan religion and Eastern thought. The book provides introductory, explanatory, and historical material that situates the text in the context of Tibetan thought and culture.
- Vajrayogini: Her Visualization, Rituals, and Forms. Elizabeth English
Vajrayogini is a tantric goddess from the highest class of Buddhist tantras who manifests the ultimate development of wisdom and compassion. Her practice is prevalent today among practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism. This ground-breaking book delves into the origins of Vajrayogini, charting her evolution in India and examining her roots in the Cakrasamvara tantra and in Indian tradition relating to siva.